Super Scrabble Deluxe game reviews and Scrabble Rules

Boggle Reviews

| Monday, October 04, 2010

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Boggle is a game that will help you show your vocabulary. For really good at this, you should build your vocabulary and the following advice.

1. Look for long words

Most people are short words that only a few points from them, but long words is a lot more points, why not start looking for them first.

Another bonus is that long words can help you, small words. For example, if the word shame you can use to spell hamSam, me, etc., plus the word, the more likely that you will be able to break and use the words smaller, too.

2. Find Add-Ons

Find add ons so that visitors, the word twice. If you have an S, for example, you can use to make words plural, you can get even more points.

You are not limited only to that for things like ED, ING, appearance, etc. These add-ons can give you a big advantage if you play theGame.

3. Expanding your vocabulary

Of course it goes without saying that the best thing you can do for your game Boggle to expand your vocabulary. Try reading, this is the surest way to increase your vocabulary. Reading can also help in many other ways, but that's another story.

You can also work on your vocabulary other word games like Scrabble. In this way you will be better prepared.

4. Use Every Second

Every second counts one. NotTo stop in the middle of the game, why do you think gets all the words. Keep looking until you have more time. You can find something that previously neglected.

5. Amuse

Finally, remember to have fun, they are enjoying the game and not so much to win. Until all have a good time it was worth having.

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