Super Scrabble Deluxe game reviews and Scrabble Rules

Arcade Templates and Arcade Mods

| Wednesday, June 30, 2010

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Running online arcades is one of the most fun and rewarding online businesses you can start up. Within recent years, web developers have created arcade software (or arcade scripts) that easily allow you to quickly (and without programming knowledge of any kind) start a brand new arcade website of your own. There are many scripts to choose from and each one has its positives and negatives although all of them are good choices. Since these sites are really easy to create with the help of arcade scripts, thousands are popping up all over the internet and new arcades open every day. These scripts will come with a couple of templates which most owners will choose to use. In order to have a successful arcade, you must differentiate your site from the thousands of other "out of the box" sites you will be competing with.

The best ways to do this is by creating a template/layout yourself, spending $100's of dollars on a web designer for a custom design, or you can buy a custom template. A template is a pre-coded and designed layout that you can use for your site. Buying a template will save you money as generally you can pick them up for between $30 and $75 dollars. If you cannot code in HTML and CSS and you do not really want to spend the time to learn how, buying a template is your best bet in my opinion. There's nothing worse than to start an arcade that looks exactly like 1000's of others because anyone who visits your site will soon forget about it. So spice it up!

Another great way to differentiate your site from others is by adding feature enhancing modifications or "mods" to your script. What is a "mod" you might ask? A mod is the addition of an extra feature that enhances the script and user experience that did not come with the original arcade script out of the box. Examples of some cool must have mods are: traffic trading mods, animated featured games mods, link trade mods, security mods, user profile mods, game tournament mods and the list goes on and on. Again, if you do not know how to program in web languages, pre-coded mods can be purchased for your arcade scripts. Some are very cheap while others advanced mods can cost a few hundred dollars. The return on investment for these mods and arcade templates is usually quickly earned back from a massive growing in your return visitors.

Now you have your new arcade moded and it has its very own custom template. It's now time to have some fun and start making money!

Japanese Bonsai Trees

Treasure Isle Secrets


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Would you like to dig your way through the 150 levels of Treasure Isle faster than your friends and neighbors and be the envy of every island hopper on Facebook?

While Treasure Isle is a simple social game there are certain tricks and strategies that can greatly increase your productivity in the game. If one of your friends is currently out of work, and let's face it, many are, then they'll be able to sit around during the day digging and progressing through much faster than you, right? Not so fast, Gilligan! Most players will never take the time or have the keen eye to spot shortcuts and time saving strategies in Treasure Isle.

Let's look at one simple trick that you can use to fully utilize fruit. Planting fruit in Treasure Isle is very similar to planting crops in FarmVille, however you don't harvest them and sell them. Treasure Isle fruit is grown for one reason and that is for energy. You lose energy when you perform tasks, mainly digging for treasure. The fruit you grow and carry with you in your backpack will restore a certain amount of energy points depending on the type of fruit it is. The simple trick here is to watch your level up meter. If you are about to level up and are low on energy eat a fruit that has small doses of energy like raspberries. When you do level up all of your energy meter is instantly restored, so don't waste a large energy fruit when you are close to leveling up anyway. This seems pretty logical and simple, but you would be surprised how many players don't utilize their fruit in this way.

Bassinets and Cradles

How Should I Price My iPad App?

| Saturday, June 12, 2010

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If you own an iPad, you are painfully aware of the fact that most iPad apps cost much more than their iPhone contemporaries. Sometimes they can cost as much as five times the price of a standard iPhone app. With this in mind, you might want to consider an alternate strategy for pricing the iPad version of your breakthrough new app. Here are a few ideas.

First and foremost, look at what the competition is doing. Many of the iPad apps created by large and well known software development firms have a bigger pricetag because of name and brand recognition. Just look at the difference between the official Scrabble for iPad and the unofficial "Words With Friends." You will have to pay $9.99 for Scrabble and only $1.99 for Words With Friends, and they are almost exactly the same app. The lesson is this. Just because somebody else is charging more, doesn't mean you can. That is, unless you have the weight of an excellent reputation behind you.

You should also consider just how much your app actually does. The iPad is a funny sort of in-between device. You can make some very rich applications, or you can make another version of the calculator. People generally expect more out of their iPad applications, but they won't be willing to pay more than $.99 unless you have put a lot more effort into creating something more fully featured and unique.

And lastly, even though it isn't the iPhone, people are still trained to feel like they shouldn't be paying more than $.99 for most apps. The more you charge, the more time they spend trying to make up their minds. This is food for thought for every developer working with Apple's i-platform.

For those of you who still aren't sure what you should charge, send us an email or give us a call. We are happy to help you find a pricing strategy that will make your new iPad app a success!

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The Fuplers: Scrabble

| Wednesday, June 09, 2010
One guy. One wig. One game of Scrabble. Want to see more of The Fuplers (FOO-plers)? Please subscribe Learn more about making The Fuplers here: http

Stamina Rowing Machine

Give Language Developing Gifts This Holiday Season

| Tuesday, June 08, 2010

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How can you increase your vocabulary, be creative, learn about the language and have fun all at the same time? Play board games that promote language skills! No matter what your age or native tongue, these board games will strike the fancy of any of your word crafty friends!

Like anything else, practicing healthy habits and developing new speech and language skills can escalate self-confidence, improve memory and cognition. If you were told that this process could be accomplished by playing games and having fun, would it sound too good to be true? Well, it is true. Here are a few games that will really bring joy this holiday season and build language and cognitive skills!

- Mad Gab-an excellent game for learning the importance of stress in words.
- Taboo-learn to describe an action, idea, or thing using different words.
- Cranium-develops word finding, spelling, unscrambling, and vocabulary skills.
- Scattergories-a game that requires you to express yourself quickly.
- Balderdash-learn to use creative word expression.
- Scrabble-an all time classic that builds vocabulary and spelling.

Do you fumble when trying to pronounce new words? Mad Gab gives you the opportunity to explore how stress on words changes the meaning completely. Figure out the following group of simple words as fast as you can (for more points): Poor Toe Reek Hoe OR Mack Her Owe Knee Inch He's. Can you figure it out? This game proves that stressing the right syllables is important to figure out words and it shows you how we link words together to form thoughts. The slogan for this game is: It's not what you SAY, It's what you HEAR!

Do you fall short sometimes trying to select the correct words in speech? Learning to describe actions and ideas coherently is an important skill. Most ideas can be expressed in multiple ways. We can say the same thing using different words. As we grow older, finding the right words is a skill that sometimes slips, but Taboo helps us to exercise new ways of communicating a thought or an event. In this game, you must describe something without using specific words that are listed on your card. For example, try describing sugar without saying the words sweet, white, brown, coffee or candy! The game further develops speaking with clarity. When you aren't understood, being able to communicate more clearly is essential for the times when your listerner needs clarification.

Improving your vocabulary will reap benefits throughout your life. New vocabulary helps build knowledge while ensuring brain activity for the aging brain. When you can use and speak new words, you'll produce a message that is clear and intentional. By playing with new words, you may also be able to access them more readily and decrease the number of times that you experience word finding problems. Both Scrabble and Cranium help develop vocabulary skills.

Having difficulty thinking quickly? A game that requires fast thinking is just what you need. Sometimes when we want to express ourselves quickly, we need the skill of saying things concisely. Scattergories helps develop quick thinking. In this game, you match categories using words that start with the same letter. The catch? You only have three minutes to come up with the words to fit the categories.

Balderdash is a game of bluffing! OK, maybe that's not such a good thing in real life but it sure is a lot of fun in a game. You will have to display a lot of confidence to hide your bluff. In this game you provide silly or serious descriptions of events and your team decides if you are telling the truth or bluffing.

If you are someone who likes to play games by yourself, there are plenty of language developing games available to play alone. Crossword puzzles, JUMBLE puzzles and word searches are all excellent games for vocabulary building. You can extend the learning by looking up unfamiliar words in the dictionary and writing them down in a small notebook. Next, use these new words in every day speech. Go back to these words as often as possible to make sure that they become automatic to you.

Working on developing your language skills is fun and entertaining with any of these award winning games for all ages. If you are doubtful about planning the entertainment at your next event, why not introduce a game that shows your playful side but is a learning experience, too! Don't forget to add them to your holiday list this year!

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Several kinds of cheats Scrabble

| Sunday, June 06, 2010

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Scrabble is a popular game, we know that everyone has the board game. Recently, this game is a rebirth of the Internet and can be known many places where you can play online to find. But due to the variation introduced copyright issue. It is now lexulous, writers, Wordscraper ... changes in the board of directors but the rules are more or less the same.

How to improve your game, then a legitimate question. There are many tools that can help someone in the game better.

The firstit is as simple as a dictionary. A word is going Checker Check to see if your word is in official dictionaries, there is.
Then there is the anagram solver. The idea is to put the letters in your rack, and you can find all possible words, you can do. Advanced anagram solver allows the entry of at least two blank cards. But beware, the number of results is often several thousand.
In addition to an anagram solver, we find a tool that you enter, leave some limitations.Suppose you have a good place is on board, and ask yourself which words will be able to set a. Then, for example, that the word of an "R" and start the fourth letter Fit 'K'. This tool will tell you that all the words fit in.
But the most powerful tool is undoubtedly the solver scrabble. With it, all you have to do is fill the board and the rack, and tells you what words can give you the highest score.

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