Super Scrabble Deluxe game reviews and Scrabble Rules

Foretelling the Future

| Thursday, September 30, 2010

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Fortune telling is the ancient art of telling the future. There have been many ways used for telling of future occurrences, dreams prophesying great events and soothsayers foretelling future happenings. All cultures had their way of divination. In Greece it was the Oracles who told of great winning in the field of battle and the birth of kings and heroes. There is documented evidence of Shamans in Israel at least 12000 years ago.

In medieval times in Britain the king would have his astrologers and wizards to tell him the future. In the court of King Arthur as legend has it, Merlin the king's wizard would tell the future and be consulted when a decision had to be made regarding marriage or political issues.

At the country fairs the gypsy fortune teller would read the Tarot cards or look into her crystal ball and, having had her palm crossed with silver she would tell you what was going to happen to you.

Other traditional methods of telling the future are Palmistry or the reading of the lines and contours of your hand, Playing cards, where each card suit represents a particular element (as in astrology) earth, fire, air and water and each particular card has an individual meaning (Ace of hearts = love and happiness) for example. Then there are Tea leaves which were used to predict the personal future of the tea drinker with the remnants of the cup being swirled around and upended onto a saucer then the cup turned back up and the tea leaves left behind were interpreted. The Crystal Ball was also used as a basis for the foretelling of the future.

The Tarot cards which have been used for many centuries are still used today by those with or without great experience. They have many layouts for different types of reading and many different interpretations, the one thing people agree on, it seems is that the deck should always be wrapped in pure silk.

We now have other ways of telling the future as well as the traditional methods. There is the birth of Angel cards which are used both to interpret the future and for personal healing, they are a gentle and unthreatening way of fortune telling with only good results. Universe cards are also a relatively new innovation the future is told by the cards acting as a mirror for our inner selves with the natural phenomena of the universe and planetary influences reflecting our own natures and destinies.

Fortune Telling is an ancient art that has been carried into the present and will no doubt be used in the future. Most people would like to know what will happen to them in the future and are excited about consulting a fortune teller. Is it true? Who knows.

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7 ways to improve memory

| Wednesday, September 29, 2010

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Research has shown that the elderly who were cognitively active were 2.6 times less likely to Alzheimer's and dementia than those who can not develop. This is a statistic that motivate many older adults consider some 'time can sharpen their cognitive skills. retirement years are a time to relax and enjoy the fruits of their work and life's challenges, but the elderly should continue to challenge their thoughts optimal mental acuity. These proposals are simpleways to stay mentally active.

Access to a course of study or college

Many community colleges offer training or educational enrichment that can teach you something new. Whether you have an interest in computers or genealogy, there are probably a class offered that can help to explore this topic. Many of these courses are offered at a discount for seniors.

Express your creativity

Have fun drawing, writing, painting, singing, making jewelry, or poetry?These are just some of the ways we use our imagination. All these expressions of creativity, promote the desire to see the world in new ways and cultivate problem solving skills. Sophia Loren once said: "There is a fountain of youth 'your mind, your talents and creativity to bring to your life and the lives of the people you love when you get to tap this source, you are against real age have..

Play games

A recent study found that older people were able tomentally perform as good as it was in his thirties, after only 40 hours with brain-training software. The popular video game company Nintendo offered a series of "Brain Age" games, mental exercises. These games are for a portable game system available called Nintendo DS.

crossword puzzles and Scrabble

Next time, check if you wait for an appointment to work on a crossword puzzle. These challenging puzzles to encourage problem solvingSkills. The practice of actively searching for words can be used to reduce the experience tip-of-the-tongue where particular words can not be fully recovered. The board game Scrabble, this type of mental exercise.

Social Networking

There are many studies that an active social life may delay memory loss in the elderly display. Participation in sports leagues, clubs and church all the card options to expand their social environment. Volunteering is also a good way toThe interaction with people at the same time improve your community and the world.


There is a correlation between physical health and cognitive. Exercise is essential to increase the memory in all age groups. Learn to find the local groups working specifically for elderly or design your own personal fitness plan with the help of your family doctor.

Learning a new language

If you really want a challenge, try to learn to speak a foreign language. Maybe you knowa bit 'of German, Spanish, Polish or listen to your parents or grandparents. Take the time to perfect their language, in order to preserve your heritage, and perhaps not give the younger generation in your family. Planning a trip abroad as a reward for those who can master a new language. The process of learning a new language is very difficult for many cognitive, but can be very useful and fun.

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Brain Games for a healthy mind

| Tuesday, September 28, 2010

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You wonder sometimes when you lose your thoughts, because you forget where the keys to the left, or you can not remember birthdays or appointments to keep? Do not worry, does not necessarily mean the mind loses its ability to function. But this could mean that your brain could use a workout routine.

We all want to live a long and prosperous life, and nobody wants to suffer mental deterioration. And why so many people who want to neglect their brains when they exercise? We jog,Lift weights and spend thousands of dollars on gym memberships and fitness equipment, our heart and muscles to form and strengthen our bones. But what we do to our brains? Like the heart, the brain needs exercise to make it healthy. And you can exercise your brain to play.

Centenarians (people almost 100 years) report that they maintain their cognitive abilities from the mental activities such as crossword puzzles, bridge and complicated puzzlePuzzle.

Here's how these activities work for different parts of the brain.

Frontal lobe. The frontal lobes act as a managing director for the brain. You are responsible for the coordination of activities such as planning ahead and controlling impulsivity. They are also important for the long-term memory - especially the emotions and memories associated with smells - as well as the personality and muscle control. You can still access these areas of the brain by improving Eons Matchup SudokuGutterball 3D. All these games reinforce the skills of memory, executive functions and motor.

Temporal lobe. This allows us to interpret what we hear - identify sounds and understand speech. They play an important role in language comprehension and expression. The temporal lobes are also important for the naming of things and recognize faces and places. They contain a very important structure called the hippocampus, which is important for short-term memory. Word games such as "Dailycrossword puzzles, Scrabble and the confusion to build language skills are the brain directly connected to that part.

Parietal lobe. This information helps us to sense our other senses such as sight, smell and hearing. They also help us with spatial relationships. What mental processes we follow to put together a puzzle? There is your answer on how to pursue that part of the brain. This type of mental exercise improves the occipital lobeit allows us to interpret what we see, these lobes work like the lens of a camera.

To play every day! The work of these different areas of the brain can lead to improvements in all the main functions of the brain and cause your brain to increase resistance to age-related memory problems and mental agility. Just like muscles, you're never too old to get results and see improvement if you do these exercises. But I'm really much more fun!

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Hot trend for Christmas 2009 - Board Game

| Monday, September 27, 2010

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One of the trends to shop for" title="christmas decoration">christmas toys this year could be the resumption of the game. That's right, sales of many" title="ipod classic">classics like Monopoly prepong, chutes and ladders, and operating on the rise, fall during the revenue from video gaming systems like" title="playstation3">playstation are. Driven by a combination of recession belt-tightening by a buyer and a tendency in tough times nostalgic board game sales were up 5% from May 2008, while sales of toys in general2%, with sales of electronic games, an increase of 12%.

toy manufacturers feel this trend with the regular update of their current game. For example, replace the shoes he was playing Monopoly depression familiar character with a laptop. You can also operate the new machine credit card. Instead of removing a suspension arm of the game Operation, you can now remove a finger phone, and the board game Clue has new characters, including aDot-com billionaire.

Marketing of table games will also be updated. Hasbro, the creator of games such as Operation, Candy Land, Scrabble, and began promoting the "Family Game Night" in response to the growing trend game. Your site is "Game of the Month" with tips on how to host your "Game Night".

Technology has made its debut recently in the gaming world on board. with a game called Scene It?. This game uses a DVD movie and displayTV clips to engage with the traditional board game players in this fun quiz game in style.

So what happens in the hot games for christmas 2009?

A top seller in many stores, the strategy game The Settlers of Catan continue. In this game for 10 years to gather the players fight for resources designed to build settlements and cities, which eventually determine the winner.

Another top seller this year is Quiddler a fast pace word game loversin which players try to create words of cards. Like Scrabble players try to score points with the highest point to get the most. Points are given for most words, so that even small items can help you win.

Which players are seriously recommend it as their top overall pick to play Puerto Rico. If your looking for a strategy game super fun, you can teach your children lessons in business, this is it. Recommended for ages 12 and over, players face the game on wheelsPlantation owners in various 1800th winner is determined by the position in the best position to deliver their products across the ocean to Europe determined.

With a combination of games and trivia, Wits & more bets can be re-sold for the year 2009. In this fast, easy game, players will learn not only try to answer questions and point fun at times crazy, but also the accuracy of the responses of other players to crown a winner.

If you are looking for a game that can be so cutefor a five year old child and an adult must try Blokus classic game from Mattel. In this strategy game that takes about 30 minutes to make colored pieces on the board to be in a process that you have all the pieces before your opponent's game. Blokus is a game fast, easy to learn and are fun for adults and children.

With the economy still in the cellar, and many board games sold for less than $ 20.00, are sure to find a favorite gift under the christmas tree this year. SoPick up one while it's still a good stock on the shelves. You know, like so many others already know. They have forgotten how to be a fun board game with family and friends.

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Try this Scrabble House Rules

| Sunday, September 26, 2010

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Every family with a Scrabble tradition has doubtless developed their own set of house rules, especially if the changes include the children in need of financial statements. House rules can play more interesting and lively place to emphasize the learning of competition, rather than, or used only to speed up the game. Below are some common house rules I've heard or used at home. Each rule adds his personal touch to the game. I welcome you to try them!

Eternal Bonus Squares: Iwas raised on this. What was my disappointment when I learned at a friend's house, that the rules effectively killed the bonus square once was covered! Apparently they are "forever" means that they remain in force and count each time you add the word, every movement is more rewarding than the first. Notes held in the hundreds. Egos inflate. The good player has to look for words that can not be added, at least as a bonus room.

White tile replacement:usually keeps the blank tiles in a continuous loop. For example, if someone has a white spot on the card instead of a T, and then you end up with a T on your rack, you can also use the real letter and re-use empty. This is really nice game late, when everything is down to the projections, point-wise.

Eligible Dictionary / Word Base Expansion: To make the game more educational significance, we have sometimes allowed players to Collins, if not theirwheel. This rule is particularly useful for children or beginners, whose vocabulary may be limited. If playing against more experienced opponents, the use of a dictionary, along with offering free challenges, can even the playing field. When my sister and I were learning German we purchased a German Scrabble set and mixed with letters in English. Words from both languages were allowed. Since letters have varying degrees of use in various languages, the point value andLetter distribution will vary between sets of foreigners. This made our game even more interesting. Scrabble sets can be purchased on the Internet in several languages.

Professionals: Leave the professions of the following combinations reduced element of luck, and can make the game more fun. Two pairs of three identical letters vowels consonants Six Six

Of course, the blank disc can not be used to replace each letter in the market. Y can be used as a vowel or a consonantConvenience of the reader. Only one is allowed per turn, although your tiles may be refused if any of the above, back to your rack.

Take Two: The latter proposal is not so much a rule of the house, but an alternative that can be played using Scrabble tiles. The number of players is unlimited and can be practiced alone or play in a big group. The players will go faster than the game. To play, turn all the tiles face down in the middle of the table.Each player draws seven tiles from them on in front of him or her. Enter the letters into words and trying to fund all their players connect letters. The first player to make calls like this: "Take two!" and everyone draws two more tiles. The game continues until the tiles run out. The winner is the first player to use all his of her tiles. The value of unused tiles is counted and a loss is recorded. (Winner gets a perfect zero.) This game can be played in subsequent roundsif a longer version is desired.

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