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Here is the game in the last half century: Baby Boomers games played on boards, and I liked it. They were sad to see, Generation X, sucked into the newfangled video and computer games, board games to keep their parents happy, then disappear Airborne play on the computer alone for hours. A few years later, all the computers, and if a game is not multiplayer, it was not worth playing. "Millennials" are perhaps best summed up by EM Forsterfamous admonition, "Only Connect". And this brings us back to the original games. They're back, they have on your iPhone, and we know that the top 5!
Conquest, Sean O'Connor, $ 1.99. Predictably, a clone of the risk is on our list. Less predictable is the popular $ 4.99 App Lux Conquest plays faster, it is designed to look and feel like the classic board game, and gives you a lot of maps and options to choose from. watch match after the conquest, Lux and other risk factors clones Alternatives.
Monopoly, Electronic Arts, $ 4.99. There is an animated sequence of a great man with a hat and monocle degradation Godzilla, and there are no cameras in 3-D monitoring the progress of a residential complex under construction. There is no flashing on the screen press the "Finish Him!" If you set up a lot. This is Monopoly, as you know it. This is a good thing.
Scrabble, Electronic Arts, $ 4.99. Confession time: Scrabble makes the list because evil> Scrabble is better than good chutes and ladders, or a multitude of other possibilities. But the EA game to the point where the most competitive Scrabbler frustration is their inability to challenge and be challenged has stunned and suggests words to make you more intelligent than you. If you do not know which is a Greek letter Xi and Xu is a coin, Scrabble has no business saying. That is, unless you're a purist, it works fine and looks like the real thing
ShredderChess,, $ 7.99. If you're a casual game, get one of the many free applications available. Shredder Chess is for serious chess buff. It offers a series of panels fun / game character graphics, and more importantly, the algorithm chess stronger market Apt But do not worry about a new level of play. Keeps track of your vote and lets you set the engine properly, provides coaching options, and includes activities of endless chessto solve. Worth the price if you are serious about learning chess or chess.
The Game of Life, Electronic Arts, $ 4.99. EA has made life for the iPhone, tweaking to play faster and updated a lot of movement in 3-D perspective. What the hell is true, now it's a video game, right? But just like the original, you and your friends and family will be amused and entertained by this classic until it kills the battery (as usual, a session of "Life" is over.)
If you have played theboard games during your original "Wonder Years", or simply the discovery of the naked aggression of the hazard or cold, heartless capitalist monopoly, and give these questions a sense, at a safe distance from family or friends, who can play a useful function for some families came for the first time.
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