Super Scrabble Deluxe game reviews and Scrabble Rules

The best games for autistic children

| Saturday, December 04, 2010

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Here are some good games console for children with autism, including free Web site, table games, video games, etc. As you have children who suffer from autism, specific interests, at least know. Discover what it is and start there.

1. The Wii. This game is all about movement. Auistic children do the same moves as his person, it is useful for the control of his character. Moreover, it is easier because there are very few buttons. Many children with autism is love. This is a fantasticInvention.

2. Free Games Website:


This site conforms children from 3 to 6 years. It can read the stories and teach sounds and letters.


There are some colors and sounds of bingo games of correspondence on this website page.

3. computer games, like secrets, puzzles, strategy games, or (as Age of Empires or Age of Mythology). It's fun and not as graphic as some video games.

4. Board games. Candy Land is a good compromise. HelpChildren learn to count and turns. The "game" Sorry can help children with the skills and rules of identification number. Scrabble and Charades simple social can help, too.

5. Games for a group of students. "Around the World" A student is on the back of another (who, sitting at his desk). They say (let's say you are doing verbal differences), "BIG", and the two children who have "it" to come up with the opposite record. First, they say, moves to the next place. LoserWinner must take place. all members that makes everything around it, or however many correct answers for the working group.

6. Go Fish. This game works on language, memory and attention. And it is fun to play.

7. Try the old Tetris Fashio. Buy Nintendo DS in an electronics store and ask the saler for games that do not trigger a tantrum, the games are quieter.

8. Video game. Vice City and gun are M, which one? It is the second highest score rating of video games.Basically, it is a good idea for children with autism to play video games with lots of violence.

Good luck!

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