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Promote your book on Talk Radio

| Thursday, July 07, 2011


For nearly two decades, we told you about the value of talk radio as a means to promote your book for the masses. Because we will be successful for an interview to Radio want, here are some "insider" tips so you want the kind of guest every host is to become his show:
1 Be energetic. Be sure to bring to the table ENERGY. Radio hosts like when they show enthusiasm in the air. If you're anxious to hear from you, the listenerexcited, too --- and more inclined to want to learn more about your book.
2 Avoid distractions. Make sure there is no barking dogs or crying children, and spread to the bones. Turn off the computer and the television and make sure that switching off the phone. Enter a room where you can have privacy without distractions so that you can stay, specialized!
3 Be honest. Always openhonestly with the host. Audience better with people who have an "open book". You have to be afraid of who you really are and say what they really think. Note that Howard Stern built an empire, while honest with his audience!
4 Define your message. Before going on air, you know the key points to communicate about your book. Be sure to stay out "message", no matter how far away the host applications. Always bring the answer back to your ownGist.
5 Think of your word inflections. Getting used to say aloud the main points prior to an interview. Remember that it is not only what you say but how you say it. Inflections to help the listener's interest.
6 speak slowly and clearly and make sure you e-NUN-CI-ATE. You do not want to crush your words together. If you speak too quickly, the public will not be able to understand you. Be sure to say so that peopleremain concerned.
7 are known to hand, but do not try to read them. Know your material cold. Read your notes or word for word, sound, and tried hard answers, and you will lose your audience. Want to sound as natural as possible so that the message is likely to trigger a response purchase.
8 If you stumble, stutter or slip in an interview, forget and move on. Do not dwell on your mistakes. Do not benervous. Stay on message and everything will be fine.
9 Do not be technically or with words that most listeners do not know. Note that you try to get an audience to tell you. Use for the layman, if possible, and save the four-syllable words for the next game of Scrabble.
10 Smile when you are in the air. If you physically smile throughout the conversation, the audience will feel. If you frown, they believe thattoo. Even if the public is not able to actually see the radio, is to "feel" in the state of your interest and enthusiasm.
Remember --- your intention for each call is for the audience of your book and are interested in buying to light.
If you want to know more about talk radio and how they can help you successfully promote your book, please call me or my husband Steve at 727-443-7115, ext. 208 Nothing beats a real conversation!
Call today -We look forward to hearing from you!
Marsha Friedman, President

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