1 Consider a current issue. Everyone has opinions on events in the news, but usually do not know much about these things. Learn more about this than usuala topical issue, and have a different view and you are definitely more intelligent look at others. If taxes are the news, for example, not many people know what is the "Laffer Curve" and why it is so important. If these simple, relatively unknown but could explain the ideas, you're the only one in the room with something truly unique to say on the matter.
2 Make the conversation. Stick to topics you know something, and you will see more and more intelligent. Ifthings that are very well informed to bring the conversation to these topics.
Use 3 applications chic look. Questions that you know the answer. Immediately after the person's response for clarification or another question, and of course I understand the question very quickly.
4 Spend time with intelligent people. Others will notice when you finish with the most intelligent people around. You can also learn a lot.However, there is not much to say except to make an occasional intelligent question.
5 Increase your vocabulary. Read the "Enrich your vocabulary" Reader's Digest or go to the dictionary every day, and choose to learn a word. A large vocabulary can impress others, and have more intelligent, because language is an important part of the intelligence function - but be sure to see the warning below.
6 Know how to use a single word. You can impress people with a better vocabulary,below, but with a wrong word now own opinion of your intelligence. Expand your vocabulary, but use these words, unless there is no guarantee that the use is correct.
7 are a specialty mystery. Suppose you know a little 'history of the Inuit or the origin of the gold mining industry. I'm probably the only one who knows anything about this room. What distinguishes you and all the mistakes you make, go unnoticed too. Talking a little 'your"Special" to impress, but be careful not to bore the audience with too much arcane knowledge.
8 play a few games intelligent. It could also play and help you get smarter - many people immediately think of them that are smarter, you learn to play chess. Scrabble is to impress also, and improve your vocabulary. Another smart play? Using the techniques here.
9 Open to appreciate each other's ideas. If someone has a good idea or a singleUnderstanding of a problem, the compliment. If you recognize the intelligence of a person, he or she often think that they are smarter. And we must give credit where credit is due, anyway?
Learn a little 10 'on a lot of problems. Instead of reading only magazines that usually interest you, to search for topics that cover more unknown. Knowing a little 'about so many things seem not only more knowledge, but might help even more intelligent.With sufficient general knowledge, if a woman carries her favorite topic, you can do to impress a good question, and learn a lot from her. And 'to impress people when you know enough to trust with a theme, which is to ask.
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