Super Scrabble Deluxe game reviews and Scrabble Rules

Scrabble Jewelry is a Perfect Gift

| Thursday, July 22, 2010

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Scrabble jewelry consists of many different types of jewelry made from upcycled scrabble game pieces. It's a hot trend currently in fashion. There are hundreds of different styles of this kind of jewelry, anything from whimsical to inspirational to personal. These accessories are great for giving as gifts for any kind of special occasion, and to anyone from tweens to teens to women and moms. With so many choices, you can see why this is a great way to show of your personal fashion sense, and of course there's something out there just right for you!

Scrabble jewelry can be any number of things. The most popular are pendants, but there are also earrings, rings, bracelets, hair clips and more! Anything you can think of has probably been made into some sort of scrabble accessory.

You can buy scrabble jewelry in many places from the real world to online. The first place most people look when they're trying to buy this type of jewelry is online of course. A quick search in your favourite search engine will bring you hundreds of results that will keep you shopping for hours. These fashion accessories are available in a variety of styles and price ranges to suit your every need. You can also visit local independent shops and boutiques- you'll find them anywhere from a major metropolitan area to a small town square. If at first you don't find them- ask! The boutique owner will more than likely know a great spot to recommend. Lastly, and probably the most fun, is to hit up local craft bazaars. This is a fantastic way to support local artisans, and also find something truly personal to reflect your style. Check with your local chamber of commerce, local newspapers, or even an internet search for your hometown and you'll find lots of shows to visit!

Many people enjoy making their own scrabble jewelry- this can be a fun craft to share with the kids. First you'll want to create your charms. This is easily done by finding some pretty paper or a photo you like, gluing it to the game piece and then coating it with a clear finish. The easiest option is to use one of the many non-toxic water based glazes available on the market. They dry quickly, have easy cleanup and of course aren't harmful to you!

Once you have your charms, the sky's the limit! Brainstorm a few ideas- what do you want to make? Perhaps a ring or a bracelet? You could make a bracelet a few ways, but the easiest, and also one of the most attractive, would be to create a charm bracelet from your scrabble tiles. Drill a small hole in the upper corner of your tile, all the way from front to back. Attach a jump ring and voila! You've just created your very own charm. You can now add it to a pre-made charm bracelet, or even go a step further and create a bracelet from scratch using a combination of pretty beads and your game piece charms. Happy creating!

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