Super Scrabble Deluxe game reviews and Scrabble Rules

Winning at Scrabble

| Friday, July 02, 2010

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Scrabble is the king of word games. It allows you to make points by using tiles to spell words. Here are some helpful tips to give you the advantage.

1. Save the S
S tiles are very important in the game of scrabble. They allow you to make someone else's high point word your own, or even score points on your high point word twice. S's are the most valuable letter so save them and use them wisely.

One trick you can do with S is use them in a word and attach the S to the end of another word. This way you get points for your word and points for making the other word plural.

2. Look for the bonus spots
Of course the bonus squares help you out a lot. For every word or at least for most of the words you spell you are going to want to have one of your letters on a bonus square. Remember also to use the bonus squares wisely.

Don't put an A on a double letter score because it isn't going to help you very much, but if you could put a Q or a X on a double letter bonus it will be a big help.

3. Look for vowels next to bonus spots
A vowel next to a bonus square just begs you to put a word there and make a ton of points. Keep your eye out for spots like that. And remember to avoid putting a vowel next to a bonus square whenever possible because your opponent might take advantage of it.

4. Build up your vocabulary
Scrabble is a word game, doing things that will build up your vocabulary will greatly increase your chances of winning. Reading more often and playing other word games can help you here.

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