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Boredom Busters - 7 Tips For a Snowy Day

| Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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The weather isn't cooperating and you are now officially stuck inside for the day. You and your children are going to be playing all day and you need something to do. You can't take them out on the swing set or let them run free in the back yard. What are some things that you can do on a rainy or snowy day? Let's look at seven different activities that can relieve the boredom.

The first thing you can do is play a board game. This is one of the classic snowy day activities in many families. Sit down and grab Monopoly, Life, Scrabble or one of the other popular board games. Start playing and let the fun ensue. This will create lasting memories for your kids and they'll have a blast in the process.
Make cookies. While this might not seem like a fun activity at first, you can get the whole family involved. If you're making sugar cookies, you can involve cookie cutters and make some fun shapes. The kids will love all of the different things that you can make a cookie into. Then put different colors of icing, sprinkles and toppings on them. They're delicious and fun at the same time.
Play hide-and-seek. Most people forget about this simple game. It is an oldie but a goodie. Most kids love this game if you'll show them how to play. It doesn't matter if it's raining or snowing outside, you can play all day inside.
Bundle up and play in the snow. Obviously this one doesn't apply to rainy days, but if you have snow, you're good to go. Every kid loves to play in the snow. You can have a snowball fight; build a fort, snowman, or snow angels. Snow days are some of the best memories in most kids lives. Don't miss an opportunity to make a lasting impression on them. Make sure they're bundled up and let them go at it.
Color some pictures with them. This one may seem obvious, but if you get involved, your kids will love it. Even a simple activity like coloring with them will make them happier than you can imagine. It encourages their creative faculty and it gives you some quality time.
Play cards with them. When you get tired of the board games, there are a number of classic cards that you can teach them. Rummy, Go Fish, Spades...the list goes on and on. These are games that they will carry with them their whole life. Just be prepared for them to ask you to play pretty much every day.
Play dress up. This might not be something that you're proud of, but dressing up is one of the most fun activities to a child. Be a cowboy or a pirate or something else crazy. If you have a little girl, let them dress you up and put makeup on you. You don't have to go out in public like that, but at least let your kids have fun. I guarantee it will be one of the most memorable experiences of your life.

Overall, a rainy or snowy day can be one of the best days for you and your family. Just because its cloudy outside doesn't mean you have to sit around and do nothing. Get active and have some fun inside.

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