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Fortune telling is the ancient art of telling the future. There have been many ways used for telling of future occurrences, dreams prophesying great events and soothsayers foretelling future happenings. All cultures had their way of divination. In Greece it was the Oracles who told of great winning in the field of battle and the birth of kings and heroes. There is documented evidence of Shamans in Israel at least 12000 years ago.
In medieval times in Britain the king would have his astrologers and wizards to tell him the future. In the court of King Arthur as legend has it, Merlin the king's wizard would tell the future and be consulted when a decision had to be made regarding marriage or political issues.
At the country fairs the gypsy fortune teller would read the Tarot cards or look into her crystal ball and, having had her palm crossed with silver she would tell you what was going to happen to you.
Other traditional methods of telling the future are Palmistry or the reading of the lines and contours of your hand, Playing cards, where each card suit represents a particular element (as in astrology) earth, fire, air and water and each particular card has an individual meaning (Ace of hearts = love and happiness) for example. Then there are Tea leaves which were used to predict the personal future of the tea drinker with the remnants of the cup being swirled around and upended onto a saucer then the cup turned back up and the tea leaves left behind were interpreted. The Crystal Ball was also used as a basis for the foretelling of the future.
The Tarot cards which have been used for many centuries are still used today by those with or without great experience. They have many layouts for different types of reading and many different interpretations, the one thing people agree on, it seems is that the deck should always be wrapped in pure silk.
We now have other ways of telling the future as well as the traditional methods. There is the birth of Angel cards which are used both to interpret the future and for personal healing, they are a gentle and unthreatening way of fortune telling with only good results. Universe cards are also a relatively new innovation the future is told by the cards acting as a mirror for our inner selves with the natural phenomena of the universe and planetary influences reflecting our own natures and destinies.
Fortune Telling is an ancient art that has been carried into the present and will no doubt be used in the future. Most people would like to know what will happen to them in the future and are excited about consulting a fortune teller. Is it true? Who knows.
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