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Brain Games for a healthy mind

| Tuesday, September 28, 2010

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You wonder sometimes when you lose your thoughts, because you forget where the keys to the left, or you can not remember birthdays or appointments to keep? Do not worry, does not necessarily mean the mind loses its ability to function. But this could mean that your brain could use a workout routine.

We all want to live a long and prosperous life, and nobody wants to suffer mental deterioration. And why so many people who want to neglect their brains when they exercise? We jog,Lift weights and spend thousands of dollars on gym memberships and fitness equipment, our heart and muscles to form and strengthen our bones. But what we do to our brains? Like the heart, the brain needs exercise to make it healthy. And you can exercise your brain to play.

Centenarians (people almost 100 years) report that they maintain their cognitive abilities from the mental activities such as crossword puzzles, bridge and complicated puzzlePuzzle.

Here's how these activities work for different parts of the brain.

Frontal lobe. The frontal lobes act as a managing director for the brain. You are responsible for the coordination of activities such as planning ahead and controlling impulsivity. They are also important for the long-term memory - especially the emotions and memories associated with smells - as well as the personality and muscle control. You can still access these areas of the brain by improving Eons Matchup SudokuGutterball 3D. All these games reinforce the skills of memory, executive functions and motor.

Temporal lobe. This allows us to interpret what we hear - identify sounds and understand speech. They play an important role in language comprehension and expression. The temporal lobes are also important for the naming of things and recognize faces and places. They contain a very important structure called the hippocampus, which is important for short-term memory. Word games such as "Dailycrossword puzzles, Scrabble and the confusion to build language skills are the brain directly connected to that part.

Parietal lobe. This information helps us to sense our other senses such as sight, smell and hearing. They also help us with spatial relationships. What mental processes we follow to put together a puzzle? There is your answer on how to pursue that part of the brain. This type of mental exercise improves the occipital lobeit allows us to interpret what we see, these lobes work like the lens of a camera.

To play every day! The work of these different areas of the brain can lead to improvements in all the main functions of the brain and cause your brain to increase resistance to age-related memory problems and mental agility. Just like muscles, you're never too old to get results and see improvement if you do these exercises. But I'm really much more fun!

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