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Hot trend for Christmas 2009 - Board Game

| Monday, September 27, 2010

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One of the trends to shop for" title="christmas decoration">christmas toys this year could be the resumption of the game. That's right, sales of many" title="ipod classic">classics like Monopoly prepong, chutes and ladders, and operating on the rise, fall during the revenue from video gaming systems like" title="playstation3">playstation are. Driven by a combination of recession belt-tightening by a buyer and a tendency in tough times nostalgic board game sales were up 5% from May 2008, while sales of toys in general2%, with sales of electronic games, an increase of 12%.

toy manufacturers feel this trend with the regular update of their current game. For example, replace the shoes he was playing Monopoly depression familiar character with a laptop. You can also operate the new machine credit card. Instead of removing a suspension arm of the game Operation, you can now remove a finger phone, and the board game Clue has new characters, including aDot-com billionaire.

Marketing of table games will also be updated. Hasbro, the creator of games such as Operation, Candy Land, Scrabble, and began promoting the "Family Game Night" in response to the growing trend game. Your site is "Game of the Month" with tips on how to host your "Game Night".

Technology has made its debut recently in the gaming world on board. with a game called Scene It?. This game uses a DVD movie and displayTV clips to engage with the traditional board game players in this fun quiz game in style.

So what happens in the hot games for christmas 2009?

A top seller in many stores, the strategy game The Settlers of Catan continue. In this game for 10 years to gather the players fight for resources designed to build settlements and cities, which eventually determine the winner.

Another top seller this year is Quiddler a fast pace word game loversin which players try to create words of cards. Like Scrabble players try to score points with the highest point to get the most. Points are given for most words, so that even small items can help you win.

Which players are seriously recommend it as their top overall pick to play Puerto Rico. If your looking for a strategy game super fun, you can teach your children lessons in business, this is it. Recommended for ages 12 and over, players face the game on wheelsPlantation owners in various 1800th winner is determined by the position in the best position to deliver their products across the ocean to Europe determined.

With a combination of games and trivia, Wits & more bets can be re-sold for the year 2009. In this fast, easy game, players will learn not only try to answer questions and point fun at times crazy, but also the accuracy of the responses of other players to crown a winner.

If you are looking for a game that can be so cutefor a five year old child and an adult must try Blokus classic game from Mattel. In this strategy game that takes about 30 minutes to make colored pieces on the board to be in a process that you have all the pieces before your opponent's game. Blokus is a game fast, easy to learn and are fun for adults and children.

With the economy still in the cellar, and many board games sold for less than $ 20.00, are sure to find a favorite gift under the christmas tree this year. SoPick up one while it's still a good stock on the shelves. You know, like so many others already know. They have forgotten how to be a fun board game with family and friends.

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