You know!
Facebook is the worldpopular website used by over 123 million users of Facebook and social networking applications for Facebook's world-class earn up to U.S. $ 22,000 per day!
Part of the success of Facebook is the decision maker to "open" and allow anyone to develop applications and run them on Facebook. This has seen the Facebook users can play against each other in Scrabble and chess, to compare each other's taste and send 'virtual gifts' rival, a number of new ideas for your attention.
Facebook has aNumber of features with which users can interact. People can add friends and send them messages and update their personal profiles to tell your friends about themselves. And the wall, a place belonging to each user's profile that friends can send messages to the user to see Poke, send mail that allows users with a virtual "poke" each other (a notification that a user who leaned over the said), photos, album in which the state of users and images and allows the upload, the user caninform their friends of their location and actions.
Social networking sites such as saturation is reached, many people find themselves with multiple profiles, tons of new friends and nothing to do with them. That's where the applications are playful and interactive applications are tools for real-time exchange and development of the game. Create quizzes like "How bad am I?" and compare your answers with your friends. Move your eyes up-to-the-minute with the emote applications.
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