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Scrabble: not just a play on words

| Monday, April 25, 2011


Scrabble is generally considered the world's most popular word game quotes. In truth, the popular Scrabble board played a better game around the world on kitchen tables and in a thriving international tournament circuit. But is it accurate to describe how a word game Scrabble?

At first glance, a bag of one hundred cards with each player has seven letters at a time from which to form words and the space on the board, may seem like a game of words. A closer examination, amust ensure that the adoption of joint issue.

If Scrabble was really a play on words, one might expect that the more experienced players would be those players with the best language skills. Among these authors, journalists, teachers and language professionals. The reality speaks a different language. These jobs are a rarity among players of Scrabble at the forefront of international competition standard.

If you have participants in each of the two-year studyScrabble championships, we would see a very significant part of this elite-level players of Scrabble from mathematics, actuarial, accounting, architecture and engineering professions are. These occupations to skills and strategic skills, critical thinking skills and strategic skills and mathematical statistics, the difference between a winner and loser in Scrabble, or the difference between a competitor in masters and a score intermediate or novice.

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