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Bitter Truth and the deadly effects of crack

| Thursday, October 14, 2010

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Cocaine is a drug that causes a lot of very harmful physical and psychological effects on the human body. Cocaine is obtained from the coca plant in crystalline form. This is a highly addictive stimulant that control the body's nervous system takes. Cocaine comes in different shapes, allowing many other substances. The most damaging and they are all sulfate cocaine, crack and freebase. In this article I want all citizens aware of the dangers asCrack.

WHAT 'crack?

Crack is a form of cocaine that makes a click when they are heated. Crack addiction is a major problem in society today. People addicted to crack cocaine will do anything to get the drug. rich, poor, and everything in between, it reaches all levels of our society. Crack is one of the strongest and most active forms of cocaine. It is about 80-100% pure, much stronger and more effective than traditional cocaine. It is located in block structure orCrystals.

Why such a harmful drug is crack?

Crack inhalation, harmful chemicals are readily absorbed through the lungs. The lungs get the chemicals into the bloodstream and then it is carried quickly to the brain. Crack is one of the most powerful, addictive illegal substance, the physical and mental health of the causes inhaler. The scientists suspect that also leads to some mental disorders. Crack is smoked in large quantities, rather than his nose. Consumptionof cocaine in large amounts can cause nervous disorders, coma or death. Crack consumer Rapid Rush gives pleasure, but after 5-7 minutes left with depression.

Street names CRACK:

From dozens of street terms for crack in use today, which are the most common:

O base
or beat
or candy
plan or
Crunch & Munch O
Kryptonite or
Raw O
Or Scrabble
O Sugar Block
O mice (Spanish)
force or

Effects of crack:

CrackCocaine produces a very lasting effect on the human body, but also has some short-term effects. Crack takes man's life. Crack leads to depression, fatigue and irritability. People who use often does not sleep well. His heart rate increases. The drug makes them angry, hostile and anxious, even if they are not high. Cocaine increases the odds of probability in the user interface and you can attack, stroke, respiratory failure, each of which can lead to sudden and experienceDeath. Crack smoking can also cause severe chest pain and bleeding.

physical and psychological effects

Short-term effects:

Loss of appetite or
Increased heart rate or
or high blood pressure and body temperature
nausea or
or anxiety and depression
Or forced peripheral blood vessels
O dilated pupils
or excessive doses (even simultaneously) can lead to sudden death

Long term effects:

or liver, kidney and lung damage
O ProblemsBreathe
caries or severe
or malnutrition, weight loss
or sexual dysfunction and damage to the genitals (men and women)
or severe depression
or dependence (even after a single application)
or Mood Disorder
or sweating


When ordinary crack then becomes very difficult to leave for the addict. Researchers have encountered many treatments, but without success. The researchers recommend that the under-and over-estimates and theirInsults crack can be treated. leave the other options to heavy penalties, and forcing them to leave.

If you want to leave a simple life, happy and healthy, then I ask you all know by now, so there is no need to complain later.

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