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Predicting the future

| Thursday, October 07, 2010

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Divination is the ancient art of storytelling in the future. There are many ways to tell the story used by future events, dreams foretold great events and predict future events was a soothsayer. All cultures had the chance to tell. Greece was the oracle that speaks of great use in the battlefield and the birth of kings and heroes. There is evidence of shamans in Israel documented at least 12,000 years.

In the Middle Ages in England the king had hisAstrologers and magicians for him in the future. In the court of King Arthur, according to legend, Merlin the Magician King would tell the future and will be consulted when deciding on issues of marriage or policy should be.

At the national level, which measures the gypsy fortune-teller would tarot cards read or watch in their crystal ball and after crossing the palm with silver, he would tell you what would happen.

Other traditional methods of window into the futurePalm reading, or reading the lines and contours of your hand, playing cards, where to meet each card represents a specific element (as in astrology), earth, fire, air and water and each card has a personal meaning (Ace of Hearts = love and happiness) for example. Then there are the tea leaves used to predict the future of personal tea drinker with the remnants of the cup was turned upside down on a plate and then lifted the cup again and the tea leaves lefthave been interpreted in the back. The crystal ball has been used as a basis for predicting the future.

The Tarot cards have been used for many centuries, yet these, with or without experience. They have many layouts for different types of reading and many different interpretations, that is one thing people agree, it seems that the bridge will always be wrapped in silk.

Now we have other ways of telling the future as well as the traditionalMethods. It is the birth of Angel cards, to interpret both the future and for personal healing, are a gentle, non-threatening way to predict the future with only good results. Universe Cards are also a relatively new innovation in the future through the cards as a mirror to our inner self with the natural phenomena of the universe and planetary influences reflect our nature and its destiny said.

Fortune telling is an ancient art that was made inand this will surely be used in the future. Many people would like to know what happened to them in the future and excited to see a fortune teller. It 's true? Who knows.

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