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Spelling English words can be difficult. Schools and businesses expect correct spelling. The better your spelling skills are, the more likely you are good at communicating your ideas, if you are writing scientific papers, articles or ads.
Apply these simple strategies to improve writing skills.
Use mnemonics. mnemonics are rhymes or phrases, memorizing easier. A common spelling mnemonic "i before and not after C or when soundedthan in neighboring countries to prevail. "You can create your own mnemonic for each word you find difficult, or to the memory of other spelling rules.
Say It Right. Many of us are a bit 'lazy in our daily conversations and not properly pronounce words. For example, it is quite common on the "g" at the end of the fall suffix "-ing". Then, run "Run." While people will understand what it means when you write the word as you say would not be correct. Be sure toa word correctly, and you are more likely to correct the spelling, as well.
Play word games. Improve your spelling skills by playing word games fun. Word search, Executioner, crossword puzzles, Scrabble and other word puzzles reinforce spelling. You can search for books, collections of word puzzles or the Internet on one of the games mentioned in this document.
Research. There are two areas that you can research to give you excellent practiceMaterial. Search the Internet for "spelling lists. Downloads that interest you and learn to write new words. The other area is to look for Latin and greek roots, prefixes and suffixes. Other words in English in these two languages as Old English is based! Learning Latin and Greek roots and affixes (prefixes and suffixes) will increase your spelling skills enormously.
Find out which word was spelling. Many spelling errorsin reality, the problems with choosing the correct word. Homonyms are often the culprits. Homonyms are words that are spelled differently but sound the same (homophones) or words that are written the same but have different meanings and different pronunciations (homographs). One of the most confusing of names is that they are, and there. Spend time checking the most commonly misused words. Make sure you clearly understand whether, for each word, its meaning and what useit is not.
They may be a better spell checker. True to practice every day with one or more of the spelling strategies presented here. You will quickly see the spelling improved.
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